Monday 29 April 2013

Beauty Stuff 101 - #4 (water is your bestfriend)


      So based on the tittle, water is your bestfriend. I like to think that water help flush out the oil that supply for my pimple.hahah.maybe in a way it does right.

And for your information, acne on different parts of your face are cause by different factors.

  • forehead -mainly because you're stress
  • cheeks - the food you consume
  • chin - hormones

that's the basic but if you want to know more you may check the link below on what you should avoid and eat more to prevent acne on certain parts of your face

back to water and face,  if you drink enough water your face will be hydrated  and will be difficult to have wrinkles.

and for you people that's trying so hard to prevent oily skin don't try so hard.the oil on your face are the agent that prevent you from having early wrinkles.haaa so everything should be take in moderate amount

drinking water will also give you a glow to your face but this doesn't happen  over takes time

  • -It suppresses appetite, increases metabolism & repairs kidneys 
  • -Water helps muscle stimulation and digestion. 
  • -Constipation is a symptom of dehydration. 
  • -Insufficient water can lead to migraine-type headaches. . 
  • -The risk of colon cancer, cancer of the bladder, and breast cancer are sharply reduced by drinking the recommended amount of water.

haaaa,nampak sangat copy paste from internet,hhahha.

from my experience, i'm a tea lover so i love my tea especially lychee good. but since i'm on a water diet for sure it's the most difficult at first but after you got the hang of it you will prefer water more than other drinks.

by this time if you drink other drinks besides water you will still be thirsty afterwords. and your taste buts will become more sensitive.i do not know if i'm the only one who experience this but it happens.but it's a good thing could savoir more food.heheh

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